

的国旗, 自由, and Free Enterprise Program provides flags to individuals and small businesses who support 竞技宝app下载的想法, wish to honor the United States of America, and show gratitude for our veterans, 服务人员, and their military families.

竞技宝app下载 University is thrilled with the response to the Flags, 自由, and Free-Enterprise program. The program’s success requires us to grow the 竞技宝app下载 team and provide exceptional service. The program will resume soon. We encourage you to visit the site often for updates and to enjoy 竞技宝app下载’s online Philosophy of Free Enterprise courses.


竞技宝app下载 University’s educational mission is possible only with private support. If you would like to help expand this program with a donation, please use the button below.


Older Veteran looking at the American Flag


• The flag shouldn’t be flown in inclement weather unless it’s an all-weather flag. (Your 3×5 flag is an all-weather flag.)
• Flags displayed at night should be properly illuminated.
• The flag should not touch anything below it or rest on the ground.

Woman in a hijab standing in front of the American Flag


• From your porch, place the union (blue section) at the peak of the staff.
• Against a wall or on a window, place the union (blue section) at the top left comer.

American flag on the porch in a country setting


请注意, if you need assistance with disposing of a previously-used American flag, you may take it to your local American Legion or VFW.

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